Dear children:
Open your hearts to the service of the Lord. Do not allow spiritual lukewarmness to cast the Fire of God's Love from your hearts. Instead, open your hearts. Serve with love. Because you serve with love, the Lord leaves his indelible Seal on your works.
But this service of love must first be done toward God. Renounce everything. When everything opposes God's service, it is better to lose material things than our friendship with the Lord. It is far more preferable to live hidden in God than to live with the comforts that bind and chain the heart to the things of the world and distance us from friendship with God.
Open your hearts and work with love. Work in your lives. Apply the Calls to Love and Conversion that our United Sacred Hearts give you in each of your lives. May your life become a service of love for God, only for God. Because everything happens, everything ends. Creatures change. But God is always faithful. May your first love and authentic service be first for God, as I did in the Home of Nazareth: all for Jesus through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Always remember: ALL FOR JESUS.
I bless this image that you have placed at my feet. I bless every one of you. May this blessing encourage you to serve God totally and without fear, without reservation. Be part of this army that will rise like a battalion when the trumpet sounds announce the arrival of the Lamb. Open your hearts totally to God.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin.