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Be true apostles of the United Sacred Hearts


Dear children of my Loving and Chaste Heart, I love and bless you.


Dear children:


You are in the time of a great spiritual battle where the army of darkness - the children of the father of lies - fights against the righteous and the humble, against the apostles of the End Times and of the Two Hearts of Jesus and Mary.


Dear children, the Church is shaking from its foundations. Pope Francis and Benedict XVI are suffering greatly, and Heaven calls and urges the children of Mary to defend the Church—where the Army of Jesus and Mary is—to fight for the Church.


Dear children, I encourage you not to let yourselves be overcome by darkness and spiritual lukewarmness because you are already at the moment of the battle.


Dear children, I encourage you not to let yourselves be overcome by darkness.


The Holy Spirit is sending me at this time to make you aware of your mission. You are chosen soldiers, and much is being entrusted to you. To whom much is entrusted, much will be required.


Dear children, you are protected by the Immaculate Heart of my beloved Spouse. You must give everything for all without fear or mistrust. At the beginning of the mission, I also doubted and was disturbed, but the Holy Spirit confirmed to me that everything was a Work of God.


Therefore, dear ones, pray and work in this little flock because God will act in the Church and the world from the occult.


Remain hidden for when the time comes for you to illuminate the whole earth with these last words. As apostles of the Two Hearts and the End Times, may you resurrect the Church and thus bring a New Pentecost. And never be afraid; never let yourselves be disturbed by distrust, impatience, or lack of peace because these are elements that the enemy of souls uses to keep you from the tranquility and love of the Lord, which are the living signs that the Holy Spirit is with you.


Little children, become aware that you are soldiers and an Army. And it will be up to you, in your time, in God's hour, you will conquer the world.


We are preparing you, and you are always coming to meet us because every day that ends, we give graces, gifts, and charisms for the great spiritual battle.


Pray for the unity of the Mystical Body of Christ. Pray that the apostles of the End Times may be one Army. They have been entrusted with much because they are loved much.


In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin.


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